Plan Reports

The following reports can be output from Plan:

  • CapEx Breakdown: Breakdown of all capital expenditure results per cost category, facility and well, as well as the obtained Depreciation schedules.
  • Distributions: Probabilistic distribution inputs.
  • ESP: Electrical Submersible Pump summary at well and reservoir level; see ESP Installation.
  • Cases Results: Results of the economic model for each case; see Excel Cases.
  • Facility Production: Potential and actual production per facility for each fluid.
  • Gas Injection: Well- and facility-level gas injection report.
  • Gas Lift: Gas Lift summary at well, facility and reservoir level; see Gas Lift Installation.
  • Job Summary: Summary of jobs, with CapEx and OpEx incurred, actual start and finish dates and durations, etc.
  • Monte Carlo Reports: Summaries of Monte Carlo input and output data and graphs; these can be separately generated under Econ Reports.
  • OpEx Breakdown: Breakdown of all operating costs per cost category, fluid, facility and well.
  • Econ Reports: Option to output together with Plan Reports those selected in the Econ Reports window
  • Project Descriptions: Data entered in the Project Info and Project Description fields (see General Tab).
  • Project Settings: Summary of all general project settings; see General Tab and Preferences Tab.
  • Project Summary: Volumetrics information per reservoir; see Reserves Tab and Fluids Tab.
  • Project Timeline: Project timeline; see In Last Simulation tab (Schedule).
  • Reservoir Maps: Map images for all reservoirs.
  • Reservoir Production: Production and wells drilled per reservoir (one worksheet each).
The Reservoir Production report under the subheading Development Summary includes a column "Dev Area". This indicates the area used by the wells drilled, and is only applicable if Well Spacing has been enabled in the reservoir Details Tab (Reservoir).
  • Reservoir Summary: Detailed information of each reservoir's reserves, well spacing, wells and completions; and drilling and performance data of all wells in the reservoir.
  • Resource Tracking: Information on resource (re)usage and rig (de)mobilization and usage with costs.
  • Result Summary: Summary of CapEx and OpEx (per category), production (per fluid), consumption and emission (per fluid), drilling, and blending (per fluid).
  • Rig Utilization: Detailed information on rig utilization, listing all the tasks performed by each rig unit (job, times, duration, costs, reservoir and well).
  • Surface Layout Diagram: Diagram of all facilities and Surface Layout.
  • Units: Summary of all unit conversion values (see Units).
  • Variables: Summary of (a) all Input type variables, highlighting those that you have modified, (b) all User-Defined Variables, and (c) those Runtime Variables that have been referred to in FML functions.
  • Water Injection: Well- and facility-level water injection summary (see Injection Facilities).
  • Well Interventions: Well intervention breakdown by date, with dates, costs and rig details.
  • Well Lift Modifications: Breakdown of production increases caused by gas lift and ESP.
  • Well Production: Separate well production breakdown (per fluid).
  • Well Production Rates: Same as above expressed as rates rather than production over the period.
  • Well Summary: Summary of well details and well CapEx and OpEx breakdown.

The project must have been simulated for production and cash flow information to be transferred. If the model has changed since the last simulation, the reports may be out of date.

Also, note that any variables in PetroVR for which the Excel Output option has been activated will be output to a sheet named CFM Variables and will be assigned a range name in the form <object type>_<variable full name>.